Posted on 7/31/2021

Photo by F. Muhammad from Pixabay Your car slips along the roads as you do your errands with grace, or perhaps, with not so much grace. If you’re driving a Cadillac, you might feel more like you’re floating than running balanced on four wheels. When you turn the wheel, the car pulls out of this dream in mere degrees, depending on how sharp your turn is. Have you ever wondered what a car’s suspension has to do with its steering? These two systems work in tandem with each other as your vehicle moves. There are many issues at play, like whether or not your suspensions are dependent or independent. The suspension allows your front wheels to pivot and guarante ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2021

Photo by William Zhang on Unsplash This month's blog brings an interesting topic regarding your brakes and why it’s essential to look deeper than your brake pads! Here at Premier Auto Service, we want to inform you about safety and maintenance tips for your vehicle so you can have peace of mind. Let us get into this month’s blog by introducing why brakes are essential in the first place. The most obvious reason; brakes help your vehicle come to a safe and complete stop. Brakes help avoid potential accidents that can damage your car or hurt the people inside. However, there is behind-the-scenes work for which your braking system should get credit. Quality b ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2021

Just like how we need fluids to stay hydrated, your vehicle does too! To maintain your vehicle's fuel economy, longevity, and drivability, you need to keep proper fluid levels. There are nine different fluids in your vehicle. They each play an important role in your vehicle's overall performance and safety, regardless of your vehicle's make or model. Here are the nine different fluids in your vehicle and how they work: Gas: We are all familiar with this fluid! Unless you are driving an electric vehicle, you need to have gas, seeing as this fluid powers your engine. If your vehicle doesn't have enough fuel, you won't be able to go anywhere. Oil: There are a thousand different moving parts in your engine all operating at fast speeds and high temperatures. Oil is responsible for minimizing any friction in your engine. Without oil, all these parts would grind together and generate excessive heat. Coolant/antifreeze: Is ... read more
Posted on 2/28/2021

The Premier Auto Service Center team is excited to announce that we will be holding our St. Patrick’s benefit Cruise-In Saturday, March 20, 2021, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Over the years, this event has become an excellent way to connect with your community and display your vehicle at the same time -- it is both a social event and fundraiser. Proceeds from the 50/50 Benefit Raffle go to Golisano Children’s Hospital. We are partnering with NAPA to offer free Hamburgers and Hot Dogs. Both Fort Myers Corvette Club and Hot Chili Rods will be attending, and we can’t wait to get together, look at cars, and chit-chat with you! Our St. Patrick’s March Benefit Cruise-in is a social gathering designed to connect with our community, you, your family, and of course, your vehicle. We are looking forward to seeing you there! Simply cruise in with your show vehicle and enjoy the day! Our entire team looks forward to seeing you and your vehicle at our ... read more
Posted on 12/31/2020

First and foremost, the team at Premier Auto Service Center would like to wish each and every one of you a safe and healthy New Year! We couldn’t be more appreciative of your continued support during these tough times, and we look forward to seeing you and servicing your vehicle in the future. If you look out onto the road, you will see a variety of different cars zooming by. You will see various makes, models, colors, year, and the list can go on and on. Despite these differences, these cars have one thing in common -- their wheels need to be properly aligned! When your vehicle’s wheels are properly aligned, it will drive in a straight line without pulling to one side or the other. Properly aligned wheels ensure your tires wear evenly, which also means your tires will last longer. Your vehicle will leave the factory with its wheels properly aligned, but unfortunately, they don’t stay that way. When driving through Cape Coral, FL ... read more
Posted on 11/30/2020

Even though Florida is known for its sunny, blue skies, we still have to prepare our vehicles for the upcoming winter. The team at Premier Auto Service Center is here to help! Upon arrival at our facility, we will perform a thorough inspection designed to uncover any underlying issues before they begin. This way, your vehicle will be ready to face whatever this upcoming winter has in store for you and your vehicle! Winter is incredibly hard on the following components of your vehicle: Battery: Both South Florida and winter can be hard on your battery -- cold weather makes your battery work that much harder, especially if your battery is older than four years old. Coolant: During winter, you must have the right ratio of antifreeze and water in your vehicle at 50/50. If this ratio is off and there is more water in your cooling system, this liquid freezing likelihood is much more probable. Tires: The drop in temperature can affect your vehicle ... read more
Posted on 10/31/2020

We can’t believe November is here! It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating Easter and Fourth of July. Even though Thanksgiving might look a little different this year, we can still expect to see the roads packed with drivers, either racing to the grocery store for last-minute items or planning a trip to your grandmother’s. The team at Ponder Auto Repair is here to help! Regardless of what you have planned for Thanksgiving, our technicians want you to experience a stress-free holiday. We have compiled a few helpful Thanksgiving traffic tips to help you get through the busy Holiday season: If you have a road trip planned for Thanksgiving, don’t head out the night before. Traffic always peaks on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, particularly between 10 pm and midnight, as people are heading out after work. We recommend avoiding traveling on Wednesday all together, seeing as you might experience traffic in the morning and afternoon too.  ... read more
Posted on 9/30/2020
When someone thinks of preventative maintenance, they can't help but think an oil change. It is the quintessential auto repair service, but you would be surprised to learn how many people forget about this service. The Premier Auto Service Center team is here to remind you about the importance of an oil change and which this service is such a treat for your vehicle. Your engine is made up of several moving parts, and these parts need to be adequately lubricated, or other components of your engine can become damaged. Over time, a build-up of oil, dust, and debris from both your engine and environment starts to contaminate your oil. When this happens, your oil won't be able to lubricate your engine correctly. Proactively changing your oil keeps your engine running safely and smoothly. Routine oil changes have five key benefits: An oil change will keep your engine lubricated. Regular oil services keep your engine cool. Proper oil changes al ... read more
Posted on 8/31/2020
With the amount of time we spend in our vehicles, you would think we would know more about them. For many of us, we aren't too familiar with the inner workings of our cars. However, our understanding of our vehicles -- how they work and how to care for them -- is related to our car's lifespan. If we know how our cars work and what they need, we can treat them better, which means they will last longer. To ensure you feel more confident as a car owner, we have compiled a list of 5 things everyone should know about their vehicle: Year, make, and model: Let's start with something simple. You should know the year your vehicle was made, the make, and the specific model. This may seem simple, but you would be surprised to learn that many people glaze over this information. Different makes, models, and years can all significantly different parts, so it is essential to know this information. VIN: You need to know your Vehi ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2020

School is out for the summer! For many of us, this means our college kids are back and getting settled in for the summer ahead. It may seem like a whirlwind with our loved ones again, but the team at Premier Auto Service Center is here to help ease your stress levels by checking one thing off your to-do list -- preventative maintenance for your college kid’s vehicle. During the school year, your college kid is busy with homework, finals, and friends, and it easy for them to forget to have their vehicle serviced. Now, that both the car and your son or daughter is back for the summer, their car needs a little TLC. Preventative maintenance prolongs the longevity, driveability, and safety of your vehicle. Without routine preventative maintenance, you might find yourself in a potentially dangerous and expensive situation. Your son or daughter’s vehicle, most likely, has been neglected during the school year, and the team at Premier Auto Service C ... read more