Posted on 3/31/2023

Photo by Ben Brunner on Unsplash 3 Signs You Need New Brakes Your car's brakes are one of its most important safety features. They help you slow down and stop when necessary, preventing accidents and keeping you and your passengers safe. However, like any other component of your car, brakes can wear out over time and need to be replaced. Below, we list three signs that your vehicle may need new brakes and include some at-home tips for making your brakes last longer. 1. Squeaking or Grinding Noises If you hear a high-pitched grinding noise when you press down on the brakes, the brake pads on your vehicle are likely worn out. Brake pads are designed to wear down over time as they rub against the rotor, and when they get too thin, they can start to make noise. If you hear this sound, inspecting your brakes as soon as possible is crucial to avoid further damage. 2. Soft or Spongy ... read more