Posted on 5/31/2023

Photo by Josh Rinard on Unsplash Our Favorite Car Gadgets At Premier Auto Service Center, car gadgets are a great way to upgrade your ride and improve your driving experience. Whether you're looking for a way to get to the beach faster or want to keep your car safe and secure, we've got you covered. Here are some of our favorite car gadgets that we think you'll love: GPS Navigation Systems Florida is beautiful, and there's no better place to enjoy it than on the beach. But sometimes, finding your way to the nearest beach can be challenging, especially if you're new to the area. That's where GPS navigation systems come in. With a GPS, you can get turn-by-turn directions to the beach and avoid getting lost. And if you want to explore other parts of Cape Coral or even take a road trip, a GPS will be a helpful tool to guide you along the way. Dash Cams Car thef ... read more
Posted on 3/31/2023

Photo by Ben Brunner on Unsplash 3 Signs You Need New Brakes Your car's brakes are one of its most important safety features. They help you slow down and stop when necessary, preventing accidents and keeping you and your passengers safe. However, like any other component of your car, brakes can wear out over time and need to be replaced. Below, we list three signs that your vehicle may need new brakes and include some at-home tips for making your brakes last longer. 1. Squeaking or Grinding Noises If you hear a high-pitched grinding noise when you press down on the brakes, the brake pads on your vehicle are likely worn out. Brake pads are designed to wear down over time as they rub against the rotor, and when they get too thin, they can start to make noise. If you hear this sound, inspecting your brakes as soon as possible is crucial to avoid further damage. 2. Soft or Spongy ... read more
Posted on 9/1/2022

Photo by Nina Mercado on Unsplash Mastering Your Car With Preventative Maintenance Your vehicle is an investment, and you should treat it as such. However, it can be challenging to know where to start if you’ve been hot and cold on your vehicle maintenance. In this article, I'll discuss the benefits of preventative maintenance and give you three things to start with when you begin your dedicated maintenance plan. Check your fluids. The fluids in your vehicle are essential for your car's functioning! They need to be changed, flushed and checked at regular intervals. To begin preventative maintenance, I suggest constantly checking your oil, transmission fluid, and power steering fluid. These three things are easy to check and will give you a better picture of how far gone your vehicle is. Oil change Oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle. It lubricate ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2022

Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash If you know us here at Premier Auto Service Center, you know that back-to-school season is a complicated and wonderful time. The shop is often busy with parents and students carrying fresh school supplies, breaking in their new gym shoes, and preparing themselves for the new school year. It’s also a great time to share one of our why we started building this business. Each year, Premier Auto Service Center gives to several local schools. We started giving to the local schools because we noticed that each teacher would have a list of items they needed for the school year during the open house. Halfway through the school year, there was always a new list. We decided to make sure we could help the teachers get supplies to help the students. The Barbara Jamison Scholarship, which benefits Oasis High School senior students getting ready fo ... read more
Posted on 5/1/2022

Photo by Nicolai Bernsten on Unsplash Lucky By Design There’s a 1966 Volvo P1800S with over 3 million miles on it. (Seriously, it’s a wild story, check out this video on YouTube!) Most people can expect (or hope) for their cars to last around 200,000 miles. However, you’ll find people on both sides of this spectrum: some have had cars die out with less than 50,000 miles, and others will tell you that their car lasted for triple that. But why? What’s the determining factor in car longevity? Is it luck by design or our responsibility as car owners? There are definitely things we can do to ensure the longevity of our vehicles. Namely, we can: Schedule preventive maintenance. Make sure to get your oil changed, tires rotated, and brakes checked frequently. Replace parts when neede ... read more
Posted on 2/1/2022

Photo by Shutterbug75 on Pixabay Did you know that feral animals and rodents can do a lot of damage to engines? The worst damage they can do is chew the electrical wiring system, but they can chew on other things as well, such as cabin filters, air filters, and the under-hood insulation, to name a few. They hit hardest in winter when the cold hits them the hardest but will try and make a nest any time during the year. Climbing into a just-used warm car chassis must be inviting for cold critters. A vehicle left unused is a great place for a rodent to find a way to make a home. In this case the vehicle is just a safe, dry place to make a home. The offenders we see the most in Cape Coral are field mice. These murid rodents can seriously cripple an engine if left unchecked. People turn to many different methods in the hope of deterring pests from nibbling at their cars. There are spr ... read more
Posted on 12/1/2021

Photo by Spencer Backman on Unsplash We've made it through another year. Pandemic, a threatening recession, and political turmoil may have bloodied our noses and given us a lot to be thankful for at the end of the year, but it hasn't broken America yet. We're still going, and we're going strong. Think back to 2020; all of the bitterness, unhappiness, and unrest that we were seeing. The pandemic forced us indoors and made the time go by so slowly, as we waited for the chance to be with our friends again; or just experience something as innocent as a movie theater on the night of an exciting premiere. This Holiday season is different -- and it even feels different than it has in many y ... read more
Posted on 10/31/2021

Image courtesy of the Premier Auto Service Center website When it comes to our work, Premier Auto Service Center prides itself on thorough work set to exacting standards. We must engender trust and confidence every time we are allowed under your vehicle’s hood to keep our clientele. It’s a matter of pride and reputation that we don’t take shortcuts. Instead, we complete the job to industry standards and when we need to, we exceed industry standards. But standards are just a boast until you hold yourself to them. The words mean nothing without a promise behind them. Despite how high our standards are, perfection isn’t a realistic goal. Sometimes, accidents happen; sometimes, errors are made. It’s how we respond to a mistake that defines us. When you believe in what you do, you stand behind with a warranty to protect your clients. At Premier Auto & Tire, we offer (in our association with NAPA Auto Parts) a 2-year/24,000-mi ... read more
Posted on 9/30/2021

Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash As car owners, we rarely treat cars like museum pieces. They are utility vehicles that we need to get around in. We can’t always pick and choose the roads that we must travel. Consequently, we subject our cars to all kinds of damage and abuse, especially the suspension, wheels, and transmission. We rarely have time to research a car right after we buy it. The most commonly skipped step in car ownership is when a new car owner skims the manual for their interests instead of reading it thoroughly. They might be interested in customizing the car stereo system or what to do if they lock themselves in the car, but beyond that, most people ignore their car manual until they&rsqu ... read more
Posted on 8/31/2021

Image by dearcompany from Pixabay You might be surprised to hear that your vehicle contains many filters, not just your oil filter. Your car is like a person; we all contain parts that help keep our systems running at top speed! Your automobile has four primary filters you want to be aware of, but there are many more beyond that! Let’s start with the basics and look at the primary filters you will want to be mindful of throughout your future as a vehicle owner. The filters you will want to replace and keep clean regularly are: Oil Filter: Most of us know that we have an oil filter, but what exactly does it do? Well, your oil filter helps to keep you ... read more