Photo by F. Muhammad from Pixabay
Your car slips along the roads as you do your errands with grace, or perhaps, with not so much grace. If you’re driving a Cadillac, you might feel more like you’re floating than running balanced on four wheels. When you turn the wheel, the car pulls out of this dream in mere degrees, depending on how sharp your turn is.
Have you ever wondered what a car’s suspension has to do with its steering? These two systems work in tandem with each other as your vehicle moves. There are many issues at play, like whether or not your suspensions are dependent or independent. The suspension allows your front wheels to pivot and guarantees that they move together, as it would rattle your vehicle to death to have the tires choose different directions to drive the car.
A car’s suspension helps to handle the torque of a turn. As you steer, the car evenly suspends the weight of the vehicle across the shocks and tires. It’s because of this, alignments are so important.
The wheels move in a turning radius angle, otherwise known as ‘toe-out on turns.’ Think of a sprinter’s track and how the inside lane is always a shorter distance than an outside lane. If the tires move at the same angle, the inside wheel will move a shorter distance than the outer wheel. For this reason, the suspension is correcting that angle.
A car out of alignment shakes because the radius has changed, and the wheels are now in conflict as they steer the car. It’s funny how a little thing like the angle of a wheel being millimeters off can be so temperamental to your ride.
How’s your vehicle’s alignment? Don’t forget to call on us for our wheel alignment services if your vehicle is shaking. Make sure to contact us at (239)471-4674 or click here to schedule an appointment today so we can take a look at your brakes and service all of your vehicle’s needs!