Photo byMatt Seymour onUnsplash
As car owners, we rarely treat cars like museum pieces. They are utility vehicles that we need to get around in. We can’t always pick and choose the roads that we must travel. Consequently, we subject our cars to all kinds of damage and abuse, especially the suspension, wheels, and transmission.
We rarely have time to research a car right after we buy it. The most commonly skipped step in car ownership is when a new car owner skims the manual for their interests instead of reading it thoroughly. They might be interested in customizing the car stereo system or what to do if they lock themselves in the car, but beyond that, most people ignore their car manual until they’re in some trouble.
You can miss numerous features when you don’t take the time to read the manual and absorb the information inside thoroughly. For example, Ford owners might miss out on MyKey, which allows you to set limits for the car when you’re not in it. Subaru owners might miss out on DogMode, which enables the vehicle to run with air conditioning when you’re in the store, keeping your pooch cool and safe. Millions of drivers miss out on the features of their car because they can’t take the time to thoroughly read the manual and know what it is capable of doing for them!
But what’s even more important than reading the manual is reading the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance. Your car has parts that tend to break down in a specific order. Knowing when to look for damage and wear can help you keep your vehicle going longer.
It’s an integral part of preventative maintenance to know your manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule. If you are off-warranty and bring your vehicle to an independent shop like ours for a checkup, let your Service Advisor know when you are due for an inspection so that we can target your cars’ sore spots and work with you to keep your vehicle running for years to come.
We recommend you refer to an ASE-certified technician to get the quality care you and your vehicle deserve. Our technicians at Premier Auto Service are ASE-certified and specialize in keeping your car in pristine condition. Schedule an appointment with us today, and we will help keep your automobile on the road for years to come!