Posted on 3/31/2022

Photo by jwvein on Pixabay The Tale of Off-Road Ron We’ll begin this post with the cautionary Tale of Off-Road Ron. Like most of us, Off-Road Ron enjoys a day trip with a scenic drive and showing off the features of his vehicle. He’s the kind of guy that doesn’t swerve for potholes, floors it over speedbumps, and likes to go off-roading. Off-Road Ron sure has a lot of fun, but he’s in the auto shop every other week and has gone through quite a few good vehicles. Off-Roading Has Long-Term Effects for Your Vehicle Some might call Ron a dare-devil, and some say he’s irresponsible. We’ll agree he’s a little bit of both. As fun as off-roading is, pushing your vehicle to its limits can have some severe consequences. Not looking out for potholes, speedbumps, or rocky driving conditions can lead to a few severe issues in your vehicle ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2022

Photo by klimkin on Pixabay At Premier Auto, we are floored by the positive support our school system provides the community. We are impressed daily by the hard work of teachers and support staff to educate and protect our children, who in turn will work hard to strengthen our community one day. Through a pandemic and its aftermath, our teachers never gave up on our little ones. They give our kids a safe place to learn, grow, and thrive. Teachers and schools are, in essence, the engine that keeps this whole car running. That’s why at Premier Auto, we do what we can to give back to the schools within our community. Every quarter, we donate to help give back to the teachers and students who give so much to us. We are honored to serve Gulf Elementary School, Gulf Middle School, Ida Baker High School, and all 4 Oasis Charter Schools. If you come in for a se ... read more