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The Tale of Off-Road Ron
We’ll begin this post with the cautionary Tale of Off-Road Ron. Like most of us, Off-Road Ron enjoys a day trip with a scenic drive and showing off the features of his vehicle. He’s the kind of guy that doesn’t swerve for potholes, floors it over speedbumps, and likes to go off-roading. Off-Road Ron sure has a lot of fun, but he’s in the auto shop every other week and has gone through quite a few good vehicles.
Off-Roading Has Long-Term Effects for Your Vehicle
Some might call Ron a dare-devil, and some say he’s irresponsible. We’ll agree he’s a little bit of both. As fun as off-roading is, pushing your vehicle to its limits can have some severe consequences. Not looking out for potholes, speedbumps, or rocky driving conditions can lead to a few severe issues in your vehicle.
You might end up with:
It’s getting warmer out, and many of us are tempted to take our vehicles on a trip. There are so many beautiful places to day trip around Cape Coral or take an extended vacation in Florida. We will always encourage taking the road less traveled on, but one thing we’d like to caution you against is off-roading if your vehicle isn’t made for it. Always be cautious of potholes, which can be prevalent this year, especially, and watch for speedbumps. Your vehicle will thank you!
We Can Help With the Damage
The story of Off-Road Ron might remind you of yourself or a young driver in your home or make you wonder about the potholes and speed bumps on your street. Whatever the case, we don’t judge. We are here to service all of your vehicle’s needs. If you need any auto assistance, please call Premier Auto Service in 2022. Schedule an appointment with us today, and we will help keep your automobile on the road for years to come!