Posted on 12/31/2020

First and foremost, the team at Premier Auto Service Center would like to wish each and every one of you a safe and healthy New Year! We couldn’t be more appreciative of your continued support during these tough times, and we look forward to seeing you and servicing your vehicle in the future. If you look out onto the road, you will see a variety of different cars zooming by. You will see various makes, models, colors, year, and the list can go on and on. Despite these differences, these cars have one thing in common -- their wheels need to be properly aligned! When your vehicle’s wheels are properly aligned, it will drive in a straight line without pulling to one side or the other. Properly aligned wheels ensure your tires wear evenly, which also means your tires will last longer. Your vehicle will leave the factory with its wheels properly aligned, but unfortunately, they don’t stay that way. When driving through Cape Coral, FL ... read more