Posted on 4/30/2020

Even though our lives may be a little different than how we expected them to be this month, Mother Nature is still in operation, and we are beginning to see those pesky love bugs out and about! Some of us may think these love bugs are quite cute and adorable, but they can wreak absolute havoc on our cars. Lovebugs are starting to make their Spring appearance, but there are steps we can take to make sure these highly-acidic bugs don’t show our cars too much of their love. Here is how to combat the influx of love bugs: For best results, wash them completely off your vehicle’s surface as soon as possible, as their acidity can quickly erode your car’s paint within days. Try not to use your windshield wipers and washer fluid to eradicate those love bugs. You will find yourself with a flurry of bug parts! There are many commercial cleaners out there that can adequately clean your vehicle and wash away those love bugs. Super Clean, Simple Green, and Spray ... read more