Not all antifreeze is created equal -- you may have noticed that antifreeze (also known as coolant) comes in different colors. There are pink, orange, blue, and green engine coolants out there, and they all differ. All these colors make it complicated for car owners -- which coolant works best for my vehicle?
Green antifreeze may be the most common option, but it does not mean it is the best option for your vehicle. Green antifreeze is commonly used in cars produced domestically between 1920 and 1990. For example, if you own a GM, Ford, or Dodge produced between the 20s and the 90s, you will most likely find a green coolant in your engine. This type of coolant contains silicates and phosphate corrosion inhibitors to protect several metal parts in your engine, including your radiator and engine.
Newer vehicles have OAT antifreeze, which ranges from orange, red, blue, and dark green. This type of coolant does not have silicates or phosphates, but it does contain corrosion inhibitors, which are designed to ensure the coolant lasts longer than usual. Special ingredients are used to prevent rust and corrosion. OAT antifreeze is typically used in GM, Volkswagen, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Toyota newer models.
HOAT antifreeze is a mix between IAT and OAT coolants and specifically designed for newer cars. This coolant contains added silicates for increased aluminium protection and corrosion. HOAT coolant is usually yellow or orange. Typically, your vehicle is born with a specific coolant color, and it is recommended you don’t change it. There are different colors and blends for makes, models, and years of vehicles.
The team at Premier Auto Service Center can help you figure out which antifreeze is best for your vehicle, per your manufacturer recommendations. Your coolant is especially important during summer, as a coolant leak can result in an overheating vehicle. We don’t want you to be stuck in a overheating car, which is why we encourage you to bring your vehicle to our shop for an inspection.Schedule an appointment today for an inspection performed by the technicians at Premier Auto Service Center, or call us at 239-471-7049.