Posted on 5/31/2020

School is out for the summer! For many of us, this means our college kids are back and getting settled in for the summer ahead. It may seem like a whirlwind with our loved ones again, but the team at Premier Auto Service Center is here to help ease your stress levels by checking one thing off your to-do list -- preventative maintenance for your college kid’s vehicle. During the school year, your college kid is busy with homework, finals, and friends, and it easy for them to forget to have their vehicle serviced. Now, that both the car and your son or daughter is back for the summer, their car needs a little TLC. Preventative maintenance prolongs the longevity, driveability, and safety of your vehicle. Without routine preventative maintenance, you might find yourself in a potentially dangerous and expensive situation. Your son or daughter’s vehicle, most likely, has been neglected during the school year, and the team at Premier Auto Service C ... read more